Photos clicked by Priti Gupta

When the universe rendered its own firework…

These night skies in the mountains always remind me that sometimes being in complete darkness is admirable… because then when we chase the light again, it showers on us in the most spectacular way.

An attempt to get the vortex star trails. Those mountains are parts of the Machadhar range in the Himalayas and the campsite is at an altitude of 12300 ft.


The starry cyclone…

An attempt to get the vortex startrails…
(Nundkul campsite)


Under shining stars…

It was taken during my first Himalayan hike.
Stok Kangri


Escapade in the lap of the nature…

where stars were floating in an empty void but tethered to some mysterious center… True! It’s the circle of life and it moves us all…


A peaceful night and this beautiful milky way…

Waxing gibbous moon

An attempt to create high resolution mosaic of moon by manually stitching 28 tiles. In a couple of frames, details are not are very clear because moon got hazed in cloud and mist towards the end.
(Cambridge, UK)


Blissful slumber…

Camping in Himalayas and witnessing our magnificent Milky Way.. Happiness perfected!

(taken at Gadsar campsite during Kashmir Great Lakes trek)


2 Responses

  1. Anonymous

    Ah .. ce sont les vrais bijoux. Pourquoi certaines pistes sont-elles circulaires et certaines pistes en spirale?
    Première photo: meilleur emplacement
    Deuxième photo: le grandeaur de la voie lactée
    Troisième image: quelle caméra capture de telles photos de lune!
    Quatrième image: couleurs du feu et du ciel nocturne en même temps.
    Cinquième image: ça me rappelle les spirales de “La Nuit étoilée” du peintre Vincent van Gogh.
    Sixième image: on dirait que des extraterrestres rayonnent vers la terre.
    Septième image: le silence parfait.

    Génialement génial ..


  2. Anonymous


    あなたは自然写真がとても得意です。 あなたの写真が好きです。 日本を訪れたことがある人は、たくさんの美しい自然を見ることができます。 富士山は湖に囲まれたそのユニークなロケーションで多くの写真家を魅了しています。 共有してくれてありがとう。


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